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Evelyn Ramos

Evelyn Ramos

Ramos’ studied at the Cooper Union, School of Art, in New York City. She studied Art with the

Artists Lee Krasner (partner of the Artist Jackson Pollock,) Elaine de Kooning, and Reuben Kadish, Abstract Expressionists; and with Artists Hans Haake, Jack Whitten, and Susan

Gussow; in this college. Ramos graduated with a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts at the State

University of New York (SUNY) - Stony Brook, at Stony Brook, New York. She graduated with a

Master degree of Fine Arts at Goddard Interdisciplinary College, in Plainfield, Vermont.

The professional experiences of Ramos (1972 - 1976) include: Art Director under Director of

Design, Robert Newman, at New York Magazine; Intern for Artist, Designer and Photographer, Emillio Grossi; Art Director for WNEW; Instructor of Art for the Saturday Program of the Cooper Union; Graphic Designer and Photographer for ABC, PBS - Channel 13, and NBC television entities; Assistant for Marvin Israel, Benefactor of the Diane Arbus estate; Graphic Designer for

the book, entitled ‘Pozzi’ of the Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation. Her

professional experiences (1994 - 1996) include: Curator for SUNY; and include (2013 to

present): Volunteer Instructor at a Homeless Shelter, in NY.

Exhibitions where Ramos’art work was exhibited include: Bowery Gallery - 22nd Annual Juried

Competition (2013) and First Street Gallery - NYC International Exhibition (2015,) in New York

City. Evelyn Ramos is planning a book which is expected to be printed in 2023.

Evelyn Ramos

Ramos ha studiato alla Cooper Union, School of Art, in New York City. Ha studiato Arte con gli

Artisti Lee Krasner (partner dell'artista Jackson Pollock,) Elaine de Kooning e Reuben Kadish, Espressionisti Astratti; e con gli Artisti Hans Haake, Jack Whitten e Susan Gussow; in questo collegio. Ramos è laureata con una laurea Biennale nelle Belle Arti al State University of New York (SUNY) - Stony Brook, a Stony Brook, New York. È laureata con una laurea Magistrale in Belle Arti al Goddard Interdisciplinary College, a Plainfield, nel Vermont. 

Le esperienze professionali di Ramos (1972 - 1976) includono: Direttore Artistico sotto il Direttore di Design, Robert Newman, al New York Magazine; Stagista per Artista, Designer and Fotografo, Emilio Grossi; Direttore Artistico per WNEW; Istruttore d'Arte per la Saturday Program della Cooper Union; e Grafica e Fotografa per entità televisive ABC, PBS - Canale 13 e NBC; Assistente di Marvin Israel, Benefattore del Fondo di Diane Arbus; Grafica per il libro, intitolato ‘Pozzi’ della Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation. Le sue esperienze professionali (1994 - 1996) includono: Curatore per SUNY; e includono (dal 2013 ad oggi): Istruttrice Volontaria presso un Homeless Shelter, a New York.

Le mostre in cui sono state esposte le opere d'arte di Ramos includono: Bowery Gallery - 22nd Annual Juried Competition (2013,) e First Street Gallery - NYC International Exhibition (2015,) in New York City. Evelyn Ramos sta progettando un libro la cui uscita è prevista entro il 2023.


Art is a vehicle to transcend away the wounds that can’t be nursed. This passage is taken from a song that was liked by John Kennedy Junior. Art has a cathartic offering and expresses the anguish and the despair of homelessness, addiction, and poverty.

During COVID-19, Evelyn Ramos was in action offering directions on Vitamins D3, masks, andcomputers for the inner-school students! She was advising prior to the computer, the hard copies, and the access for making voting available to those who were lockdowned and grounded! She was sounding the alarm 24 hours of 24/7 days of 7 via osmosis!


L’Arte è un veicolo per trascendere le ferite che non possono essere curate. Questo passaggio è tratto da una canzone che piacque a John Kennedy Junior. Arte ha un'offerta catartica ed

esprime l'angoscia e la disperazione dei senzatetto, della dipendenza e della povertà.

Durante la pandemia da COVID-19, Evelyn Ramos era in azione offrendo indicazioni su

Vitamine D3, maschere e computer per gli studenti delle scuole urbane! Stava consigliando prima del computer, delle copie cartacee e dell'accesso per rendere disponibile il votare a

coloro che erano confinati e bloccati in casa! Stava suonando l’allarme 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 per osmosi!

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